Aikman’s Bar~Bistro
The Cellar Bar
KWAK  8% is named after Pauwel Kwak who first brewed this gourmet beer in 1791. The family-owned Brewery Bosteels located in Buggenhout, Belgium, brews Kwak in the zuur Flanders styl producing a dry, assertively tart beer. Kwak has a slighlty sweet flavour, a fruity aftertaste, and a hint of bitterness. Top-fermented, it has a rich, copper colour with a creamy head. The distinctive glass originated from coachmen needing a way to enjoy beer since Napoleonic Code forbade them sharing a drink with the passengers. Kwak developed this glass so the coachmen could remain seated yet hang the glass on the coach and enjoy the rich beer too.        (8% )ABV)
Duchesse de Bourgogne. characterised by a rich reddish hue. Poured into a deep goblet as a deep copper red. Winey, almost vinegary aromas follow through on a tart, medium-bodied palate with a strong sweet-tart character that finishes with a drying, old oak barrel character. A fine example of  that rare species: naturally soured Flemish red ale. 6.2%
Gulden Draak (10.5%) is a dark brown Triple Ale, which makes it an exception among the Belgian Triples.The second fermentation offers the creamy head, the full body and all the vitamins of the centuries old brewers yeast. Gulden Draak balances a natural malt toffee-like sweetness and some hoppy accents. The aroma is round, sweet and reveals the 10.5 alcohol by volume. You sip and enjoy this beer slowly, as a treat you definitely deserve.
LIEFMANS KRIEK & LIEFMANS FRAMBOZEN 4.5% abv  Splendid fruit beers from a special brewery. Kriek is  cherry flavoured. Once a year whole fruit is added to a year old brown ale and left to mature for another year. The result is a wonderful sweet and sour beer that  for once does deserve the accolade - unique The sister beer, Frambozen is raspberry  flavoured and has a more delicate sweeter flavour. Still dark and with real depth of flavour.
Hoegaarden Grand Cru 8% and Forbidden Fruit. 9% Everyone now knows about  Hoegaarden Wit but less of these two. Grand Cru is brewed using  barley rather than wheat and the resultant brew is stronger flavoured and beautifully astringent and robust. Forbidden Fruit is just as it sounds - a beautiful deep colour with a fruitiness developing in the back of the palate.
CHIMAY The biggest and best known Trappist brewery and also the first to brew commercially. The three beers are named after the colour of their caps.  Chimay Red 7.0%abv  Smooth and mellow with a light copper colour Chimay White 8.0%abv  Golden coloured in the triple style with a delicate balance of bitter and fruity flavours. Chimay Blue 9.0%abv A dark strong ale characterized by its full flavour and port-like aroma.
ACHOUFFE Comes in a wine sized bottle and should be treated just
like that! Started as a hobby in the 1980's and has carved a niche for itself in the export market and at home, in Belgium, where beer is a serious business. The red hatted, bearded gnome gives the brewery its name and is something of a local celebrity and appears on every item of promotional material. There are two main varieties LA CHOUFFE 8.0% abv  A hazy yellow gold complex beer in a serious 75cl bottle. Coriander and hops give stunning but delectable touch to the aroma and palate  McCHOUFFE 8.0% abv   Another medal winning beer from this innovative brewery. This was inspired by a Scottish friend - darker in colour and with more aroma. And brewed using whisky mash from one of the Islay distilleries Complete with kilt!!
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Aikman’s Bar and The Cellar Bar are OPEN from 11am until 1.00AM EVERY Night of the Week
Aikman’s Bar~Bistro, 32 Bell Street, St. Andrews 01334 477425
Barbar Born of the ancestral know-how of a family brewery, Barbar beer is infused with the subtle flavour of honey. It is brewed using water drawn from artesian wells on the site of the brewery, at Quenast, a small village to the south of Brussels. This area is well-known for the quality and the diversity of its beers. Barbar beer is prepared from a secret mixture of barley malts, hops and honey. The traditional brewing method, associated with a unique strain of yeast, and the secondary fermentation in the bottle, gives Barbar the authentic flavour of a very special ale. 5.0% abv